What is Copywriting Services ?
How to create a copywriting strategy?

There are 3 basic commandments that must be respected in the production of any content for Digital Marketing (be it a text, a micro text, a video, a podcast, an e-mail):

What are the copywriting techniques?

Some techniques must be adopted to ensure that copywriting is a successful strategy. Below, we list the most important ones.

The 6 most important elements and
triggers in copywriting

1. Urgency

It is common for people to procrastinate a decision, unless it has to be made urgently. Therefore,

2. Connection

Some readers may feel distant from content producers, so using connection elements makes the two sides closer

3. Specificity

Another element of copywriting aimed at conversion is specificity. That is, it is necessary that the text defines the deadline

4. Transformation

What brought you to this article is the interest in knowing more about copywriting and how to write texts that convert, right?

5. Exclusivity

One thing is for sure: the web is full of content! Whatever the subject, it is not difficult to find blogs

6. Reciprocity

This principle points out that the human being has a natural tendency to respond to positive actions with other positive actions.

Ready to speak with a marketing expert? Let’s chat!


6161 Green Meadow Mason OH 45040.


(+1 (571) 888-6118 )